Palo Alto/Peninsula Chapter
of the American Guild of Organists
Next event:
Jörg Reddin Recital at St. Mark’s Lutheran, San Francisco, Sunday, March 9, 7pm, free
Exploring the Works of Jean Langlais (1907-1991):
Masterclass led by Marie-Louise Langlais
Corrected editions of Langlais’ pieces that were published with errors:
Te Deum
Chant de paix
Communion from Suite médiévale
Acclamations from Suite médiévale
Trio from Triptyque
Specifications of the Sainte-Clotilde organ:
1859 (César Franck)
1933 (Charles Tournemeire)
1962-1983 (Jean Langlais)
2021 Bach Organ Music Festival
Recital 1: Saturday, March 6
Recital 2: Sunday, March 7
October Members’ Recital
Featuring music by Sweelinck and others
The Palo Alto/ Peninsula AGO Chapter invites you to a special Members' recital at 7 pm PST on Saturday, October 17, 2020. With the theme of Sweelinck & Friends, the recital encompasses Sweelincks' main keyboard genres (choral preludes, variations, and Fantasia) and also works by other composers including J. S. Bach, F. Mendelssohn, R. Lau
October 8, 2020:
Louis Vierne’s 150th Birthday
Celebrate Louis Vierne's 150th birthday with a video including an informative lecture by Angela Kraft Cross and performances by Angela herself, Chase Olson, Edward Lee, Isaiah Rassbach, Nataly Pak, Jin Kyung Lim and Duane Soubirous!