Palo Alto/Peninsula Chapter
of the American Guild of Organists

Next event:

Jörg Reddin Recital at St. Mark’s Lutheran, San Francisco, Sunday, March 9, 7pm, free

 Exploring the Works of Jean Langlais (1907-1991):
Masterclass led by Marie-Louise Langlais

Corrected editions of Langlais’ pieces that were published with errors:

Te Deum
Chant de paix
Communion from Suite médiévale
Acclamations from Suite médiévale
Trio from Triptyque

Specifications of the Sainte-Clotilde organ:

1859 (César Franck)
1933 (Charles Tournemeire)
1962-1983 (Jean Langlais)

2021 Bach Organ Music Festival

Recital 1: Saturday, March 6


Recital 2: Sunday, March 7

October Members’ Recital
Featuring music by Sweelinck and others

The Palo Alto/ Peninsula AGO Chapter invites you to a special Members' recital at 7 pm PST on Saturday, October 17, 2020. With the theme of Sweelinck & Friends, the recital encompasses Sweelincks' main keyboard genres (choral preludes, variations, and Fantasia) and also works by other composers including J. S. Bach, F. Mendelssohn, R. Lau

 October 8, 2020:
Louis Vierne’s 150th Birthday

Celebrate Louis Vierne's 150th birthday with a video including an informative lecture by Angela Kraft Cross and performances by Angela herself, Chase Olson, Edward Lee, Isaiah Rassbach, Nataly Pak, Jin Kyung Lim and Duane Soubirous!

Program available here.