Valentine’s Day Party
February is another movie night chez Catha on Valentine's Day. We will watch a wonderful documentary on Widor while nibbling pink confections and sipping bubbly things. Do come, all ages welcome.
Recital by Jörg Reddin
Bring your friends to this free recital given by Jorg Reddin at Bach’s old church at Arnstadt. His interpretations combine a reverence for historical idioms with dramatic flair. Hear him on the extaordinary Taylor & Boody instrument.
Spring Members' Recital
Invite friends and family to hear your colleagues on the grand Letourneau organ, Op. 101, at First Congregational in Palo Alto.
San Jose Organ Crawl
On MLK Day visit some gems of San Jose: First Immanuel Lutheran, St. Joseph’s Cathedral, Trinity Cathedral, and Five Wounds Portuguese National Church pictured here, led by Roger Inkpen.
Twelfth Night Party
Celebrate Twelfth Night or Epiphany, the twelfth day of Christmas, at the home of Lauren and Colin.
A Day at Grace Cathedral
We are spending the day at Grace Cathedral in San Francisco. We will sign up in advance for tours and then meet Jarod Johnson, Canon Director of Music, for time at the organ. The two choices of tours are the highlights tour and the behind-the-scenes tour, which requires a lot more stairs than the highlights tour. Optional yoga class in the nave at 9am for $20/person.
Fall Members’ Recital
Invite friends and family to hear our members on the newly refurbished Aeolean-Skinner organ at St. Matthew's Episcopal Church in San Mateo.
New Music with Matthew Burt
Matthew Burt, Director of Music at St. Mark's, Palo Alto, will share his favorite new music which is accessible, practical for small congregations, and highly creative.